Closet organizing can be challenging if you are wearing shorts and tank-tops one season and need jeans and jackets for the next. However, with some basic planning, you won't dread rearranging your closet when the weather turns colder or hotter. Just remember these simple ideas.
1. Organize your closet based on the coldest time of year where you live.
That's because these seasonal clothes will be the bulkiest and take up the most room. If you have room for your sweaters, coats, and boots, you won't have any trouble organizing your shorts and bikinis.
2. Archive out-of-season clothing.
Don't try to keep an entire year's worth of clothing in your closet all the time. That's a recipe for frustration and you'll end up not liking (or wanting to wear) any of your clothes. Invest in a few sturdy storage containers and keep your off-season clothing safely packed away. Be sure and put only clean, dry clothes in your containers and take the necessary precautions for pests or humidity based upon where you live. Different types of fabric need to be stored differently (many fabrics need to breathe). Remember, your clothing is an investment in yourself. Do an online search for "clothing storage tips" to find the correct storage information for your needs.
3. Have a place for everything.
This is a standard organizing concept, but it's even more important when it comes to closet organizing. Why? Because handy shelves for stacking sweaters in the cold season means you'll have plenty of shelf space for your extra hot-weather sandals, as well. The point here is that you'll be able to easily swoop one season's clothing off your shelves or hangars in minutes. As you put the current season's clothing away in its place, take the time to check for fit and any little problems that may need fixing, like missing buttons, for example.
4. Seasonal closet organizing means better shopping!
Let's face it: if you don't know what's in your closet you don't know what you REALLY need when you go shopping. Keep some tried-and-true basics in each season's clothing arsenal and you can make a list of what you need to add to those basics as you unpack your clothing 'archive' at the beginning of each new season.
By starting with what you know already works for you and adding the latest accessories plus a few new pieces to the mix, you'll end up with a wardrobe you're much happier with and probably for less money.
5. Keep a list.
In fact, to make it super-easy on yourself, hang a pad and pen inside your closet and compile your clothing shopping list all year round. Don't have the right belt for that great pair of jeans? Write it on your list. Need a new red blouse that goes with two pairs of pants, a skirt and your favorite wool blazer? Write it on your list.
Include notes that will help you get exactly what you want when you're shopping. This will also enable you to take advantage of off-season sales and save even more money.
6. Do the same for other family members.
If you have kids, you know how disorganized their closets can become. A seasonal clothes change can seem overwhelming.
Hold on! Put these same ideas to work in your children's closets and add one more step. Check for size changes when you pull out the new season and put away the last one. Separate all clothes that are outgrown into a box for a local charity and toss out clothes that are simply past their prime. You'll be able to see at a glance if little Johnny or Suzi is going to need a serious clothes shop next time the temperature changes. Add that fact to your closet shopping list and watch for those off-season sales!
Seasonal closet organizing doesn't have to be a drain on either your wallet or your time. Use the basics you already know about closet organizing to keep your seasonal wardrobes at their peak and looking fantastic on you!
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