Friday, 28 August 2009

What Type of Hanger is Best for My Closet?

There are a lot of options when it comes to choosing your closet hangers. Wooden, plastic, metal, fabric, glam or Slim-Line hangers are only a few of the hangers you will have to choose from. The best way to choose the right hangers is to evaluate what type of clothing you are going to hang, how much space you have to hang your clothes, and what style best fits your personality.

Wooden hangers have timeless beauty and durability that makes them the most popular hanger on the market. They are very sturdy and can hold up the heaviest winter coats without bending or breaking. They are also shaped in a way that does not let dresses and suits lose their shape. They are usually curved so that each hanger stays slightly separated. The curvature keeps hangers apart so that your clothes do not get wrinkled by being crammed together. Many people like this because their clothes are easy to see and retrieve. Wooden hangers come in dark or natural wood finishes. You can also get lightweight but sturdy bamboo hangers or fragrant cedar hangers.

Today’s metal hangers are worlds better than the flimsy wire hangers of the past. Metal hangers can be hung closer together than wooden hangers, allowing you to free up more usable space in your closet. Polished chrome or brushed finish metal hangers can really look great in your closet. They can have hooks, clips, notches and non-slip coatings that make them a very versatile asset to own. Many people like the space that they create, the non-snag design and the modern sleek look that they add to the closet.

Another option for limited closet space is the Slim-Line hanger. These hangers are very flat and yet have amazing strength. They can hang very close together and the velvety coating keeps clothes from slipping as you rummage through them. The Slim-Line hanger design helps clothes keep their shape and hang very flat against each other, eliminating wrinkling that can occur with conventional wire hangers. Add finger clips for skirts, pants or wide necked clothing. Cascading hooks are easily slipped over the neck of the hanger so that you can coordinate outfits, doubling the available space in your closet and keeping your wardrobe organized.

Fabric coated hangers are often seen in boutiques and lingerie stores. They add a very beautiful look to your closet, but their construction is also beneficial. They keep delicate fabrics from being stretched or snagged. They are generally smaller and slick, allowing you to hang shirts with smaller necks without stretching them out.

Glam hangers are also very popular in boutiques and have made their way into many homes. These hangers are beaded and add a very unique appeal to your closet. The beads keep clothes from slipping and the sparkle will make every garment seem special. Glam hangers also make great gifts for girls and women of all ages.

Once you pick the hangers that are right for you, be sure to order the matching accessories and different hanger designs that are available in the style that you choose. You will need shirt hangers, pants hangers, dress hangers and skirt hangers. If you want to save space, get the cascading hooks, clips and multi-pant hangers that match. You can double your closet space and keep the organization and beauty that you desire in your closet.

Tag : closet,closet organizers,closet accessories

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Friday, 14 August 2009

Organizing your clothing closets

The closet is one of the fastest places in our houses to get cluttered. It is so easy to stick something that you do not know what to do with in the closet. The clothes closet also becomes a storage area for clothing and accessories that are obsolete, ripped, or blemished. It is a holding place for clothes that might come back into style, accessories that were bargain but we do not really like.

Cleaning out a clothing closet can hurt. It would be hard to throw away things that is still good, things that cost us a lot of money, but still you need to pull out everything you do not love or find useful. In your wardrobe closet, if you are having a hard time figuring out what you love, flip your hangers around so that they are hanging on the rod backwards.

As you wear each piece of clothing put it back with the hanger hanging correctly on the rod. At the end of a year you will know exactly what you have not worn because the hangers of those items will still be backwards. If you have not worn it in a year, you don't love it or find it useful. Probably, this would be a great technique to the one who find hard to figure out the dislikes form the clothes closets.

If you still find more complexity in organizing your clothing closets, purge out every thing from your closets as clean as a slate. Sort out those items you wear a lot, those you don't and why. Get rid of no matter which that no longer fits, is worn out, or just doesn't make you look good.

Separate your wardrobe by item and categorize. For instance, put all the pants together, all the skirts together, and all the tops together, etc. To prevent cluttering for the small items such as ties, scarves, shoes, belts, etc use storage container, baskets or closet organizers.

Do keep in mind that when you do not wear an item for more than six or more months, it probably won't get worn and it's time to get rid of it. So, maintain a basket for the unused things as a temporary spot.

Stand back and look at your closet and give yourself a pat on the back. Invite your friends over to see all of your hard work and organizing skills. CELEBRATE by treating yourself to something special. You deserve it.

Tag : closet,clothing closet,closet organizers,closet design

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Sunday, 9 August 2009

Professional Tips for Designing a Custom Closet

1. Try to create a balanced and visually appealing design. You're investing your time and be sure you like the finished product.

2. Determine how much of each clothing storage "type" you need (eg. hanging, folded, drawers). Some professional organizers recommend doing a detailed inventory....but who has the time. Just make a general estimate of what you use now, and note any deficiencies. For example: you have 10 feet of hanging space, but could use another 2 feet.

3. Don't underestimate how much space you require for hanging clothes, and don't plan too much area for long hanging. With today's fashions most people don't need more than 12 to 24 horizontal inches of long hanging space.

4. Locate drawers at the center of your closet design, directly across from the door so they are the first thing you see when entering the closet. Drawers make a good visual focal point and typically need the extra clearance provided by the central location. If you're designing a large closet, include an island in the center of the space that incorporates your drawers.

5. Use the corners for hanging space not shelves. Corner shelves are usually too deep and folded clothes get lost. However, corners work well for hanging clothes where occasional use items can be moved to the back.

6. Leave ample vertical space between shelves for folded clothes. The minimum height is 8 inches, the maximum is 18 inches and the optimum height 12 inches. Too little height creates deep dark spaces and too much height wastes space and stacked clothes fall over.

7. Use pre-assembled cabinets in your design when possible. Shelf widths and heights are designed to standard industry measurement. This removes some of the guess-work for first time designers. High quality pre-assembled cabinets can be found at Speedy Closets.

8. Plan sufficient space for your shoes. If you have an average number of shoes you may be able to place them under the hanging clothes sections. Otherwise, you should plan a full closet section for shoe storage.

9. Shoe shelves should be a minimum of 2 feet wide to accomodate two pairs sitting tandem. Wider shelves should increase by increments of 12 inches (or approximately one pair of shoes).

10. Make a space for your dirty laundry hamper. Keep in mind that you must tote that full hamper to your laundry room. Retractable hampers that slide on runners is an ideal system for most closets. A good place to see a variety of durable hamper kits online is at Hafele.

I hope these tips are helpful and good luck designing your custom closet.

Tag : closet,closet design,closet organizers

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Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Do You Know What Closet Organizers Can Do For You?

Clutter around the house can be a bit of a nuisance and let's face it; most people just put it in the nearest drawer or cupboard that they can find. There could be a full drawer of old paper and magazines etc and now it is absolutely bulging. Also, when it comes to appliances they are just put away any old how and it can look extremely untidy. However, with a bit of organization, things could look so much better.

What Can a Closet Organizer be Used For?

Closetscan be a great way to store anything you like and when done properly; it can look tidy and organized. Also the great thing about having an organized closet is that things are easier to access and you will not have to spend ages searching through everything.

They can come in many different materials and all have a different purpose, so it really all comes down to personal preference and circumstances when it comes to buying one to suit your needs.

Do You Know How to Make the Most Out of Closet Organizers?

If you have a closet you may already have something that can help you to organize things, but you might not necessarily make the most out of it.

A closet organizer is basically something which can be used to obviously organize the closet. This could be a fitted shelf to store books, an iron or whatever it is that you want to store. It could be that you need to store coats and keep them organized so you might use a rod to attach from one side of the wall to the other. Or, if you have a lot of shoes, a shoe organizer may be just what you need.

With closet organizers they can really help to create more space in the closet and make it safer to use. With a lot of clutter, it can sometimes be dangerous, especially if it is stacked high and you need to get something from the bottom.

As you can see the benefits from closet organizers is evident and they can really make a difference. They come in all shapes and sizes and will cater for everyone's budgets so they are really worth getting to keep things better for you. Whether you choose to purchase something to help store your shoes, clothes or any other type of clutter, there will always be a closet organizer to help you.

Tag : closet,closet accessories,closet organizers,closet shelving

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