Sunday 11 October 2009

How To Organize A Closet That You Share With Your Significant Other

When two people share a closet without any thought to their mutual satisfaction with the arrangement, it is trouble waiting to happen. Invariably, one person is more particular about the way the closet is kept. This sometimes leads to very heated arguments. It is far better to find a way to agree on your closet arrangements from the start. There are seven steps you can take to make a closet for two more harmonious.

1. Discuss with your partner your closet needs. Before you even begin to set up the closet, or to reorganize it, it is imperative that you know what your partner needs. You might be one who thinks you can figure it out for yourself. Do not be fooled. Your partner will eventually want to have some say about how he or she wants things put away.

2. Organize the closet together. You may say to your partner, "You do it; I don't care how it's done." You are putting a tremendous burden on him or her to do it in a way you can accept. Although you may say you do not care, chances are when you cannot find your best boots, you will wish you had had a say. Be willing to give your input and accept that of your partner's.

3. Make sure there is room for both people's things. Often one person will crowd the other out because that person has a large supply of clothing and accessories. Just because your partner has fewer things, it does not follow that they should not have the room required for those items. Be fair, and make sure there is room for expansion for both of you.

4. Label storage devices. It may be obvious that a shoes tree is for footwear, but for whose footwear? Make that clear by putting a label on the shoe tree. Likewise, label shelves, baskets, and hooks. You should not have to label the bars, unless you have such a large closet that it gets confusing.

5. Keep each person's items separate as much as possible. It is easier to find your clothes when you are not looking through shelves or racks of another person's clothes. You may have to put all the long hanging clothes together, but even then, you can put one person's on the left and the other person's on the right.

6. Make storage equipment easy for each person to use. This gets down to the individual needs of each person. If one of the partners if very short, it is not fair to put their clothes on high shelves when there is another solution. When one person has back problems it helps to use the double bar that is easier for them to reach, such as a high bar for a tall person.

7. Reorganize once a month. Make it a chore you do together. You can find any problems with your system while you catch any misplaced articles. If you keep the closet in order, you will not have to do a major organization as often.

Tag : closet,closet organizers,closet design

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Friday 28 August 2009

What Type of Hanger is Best for My Closet?

There are a lot of options when it comes to choosing your closet hangers. Wooden, plastic, metal, fabric, glam or Slim-Line hangers are only a few of the hangers you will have to choose from. The best way to choose the right hangers is to evaluate what type of clothing you are going to hang, how much space you have to hang your clothes, and what style best fits your personality.

Wooden hangers have timeless beauty and durability that makes them the most popular hanger on the market. They are very sturdy and can hold up the heaviest winter coats without bending or breaking. They are also shaped in a way that does not let dresses and suits lose their shape. They are usually curved so that each hanger stays slightly separated. The curvature keeps hangers apart so that your clothes do not get wrinkled by being crammed together. Many people like this because their clothes are easy to see and retrieve. Wooden hangers come in dark or natural wood finishes. You can also get lightweight but sturdy bamboo hangers or fragrant cedar hangers.

Today’s metal hangers are worlds better than the flimsy wire hangers of the past. Metal hangers can be hung closer together than wooden hangers, allowing you to free up more usable space in your closet. Polished chrome or brushed finish metal hangers can really look great in your closet. They can have hooks, clips, notches and non-slip coatings that make them a very versatile asset to own. Many people like the space that they create, the non-snag design and the modern sleek look that they add to the closet.

Another option for limited closet space is the Slim-Line hanger. These hangers are very flat and yet have amazing strength. They can hang very close together and the velvety coating keeps clothes from slipping as you rummage through them. The Slim-Line hanger design helps clothes keep their shape and hang very flat against each other, eliminating wrinkling that can occur with conventional wire hangers. Add finger clips for skirts, pants or wide necked clothing. Cascading hooks are easily slipped over the neck of the hanger so that you can coordinate outfits, doubling the available space in your closet and keeping your wardrobe organized.

Fabric coated hangers are often seen in boutiques and lingerie stores. They add a very beautiful look to your closet, but their construction is also beneficial. They keep delicate fabrics from being stretched or snagged. They are generally smaller and slick, allowing you to hang shirts with smaller necks without stretching them out.

Glam hangers are also very popular in boutiques and have made their way into many homes. These hangers are beaded and add a very unique appeal to your closet. The beads keep clothes from slipping and the sparkle will make every garment seem special. Glam hangers also make great gifts for girls and women of all ages.

Once you pick the hangers that are right for you, be sure to order the matching accessories and different hanger designs that are available in the style that you choose. You will need shirt hangers, pants hangers, dress hangers and skirt hangers. If you want to save space, get the cascading hooks, clips and multi-pant hangers that match. You can double your closet space and keep the organization and beauty that you desire in your closet.

Tag : closet,closet organizers,closet accessories

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Friday 14 August 2009

Organizing your clothing closets

The closet is one of the fastest places in our houses to get cluttered. It is so easy to stick something that you do not know what to do with in the closet. The clothes closet also becomes a storage area for clothing and accessories that are obsolete, ripped, or blemished. It is a holding place for clothes that might come back into style, accessories that were bargain but we do not really like.

Cleaning out a clothing closet can hurt. It would be hard to throw away things that is still good, things that cost us a lot of money, but still you need to pull out everything you do not love or find useful. In your wardrobe closet, if you are having a hard time figuring out what you love, flip your hangers around so that they are hanging on the rod backwards.

As you wear each piece of clothing put it back with the hanger hanging correctly on the rod. At the end of a year you will know exactly what you have not worn because the hangers of those items will still be backwards. If you have not worn it in a year, you don't love it or find it useful. Probably, this would be a great technique to the one who find hard to figure out the dislikes form the clothes closets.

If you still find more complexity in organizing your clothing closets, purge out every thing from your closets as clean as a slate. Sort out those items you wear a lot, those you don't and why. Get rid of no matter which that no longer fits, is worn out, or just doesn't make you look good.

Separate your wardrobe by item and categorize. For instance, put all the pants together, all the skirts together, and all the tops together, etc. To prevent cluttering for the small items such as ties, scarves, shoes, belts, etc use storage container, baskets or closet organizers.

Do keep in mind that when you do not wear an item for more than six or more months, it probably won't get worn and it's time to get rid of it. So, maintain a basket for the unused things as a temporary spot.

Stand back and look at your closet and give yourself a pat on the back. Invite your friends over to see all of your hard work and organizing skills. CELEBRATE by treating yourself to something special. You deserve it.

Tag : closet,clothing closet,closet organizers,closet design

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Sunday 9 August 2009

Professional Tips for Designing a Custom Closet

1. Try to create a balanced and visually appealing design. You're investing your time and be sure you like the finished product.

2. Determine how much of each clothing storage "type" you need (eg. hanging, folded, drawers). Some professional organizers recommend doing a detailed inventory....but who has the time. Just make a general estimate of what you use now, and note any deficiencies. For example: you have 10 feet of hanging space, but could use another 2 feet.

3. Don't underestimate how much space you require for hanging clothes, and don't plan too much area for long hanging. With today's fashions most people don't need more than 12 to 24 horizontal inches of long hanging space.

4. Locate drawers at the center of your closet design, directly across from the door so they are the first thing you see when entering the closet. Drawers make a good visual focal point and typically need the extra clearance provided by the central location. If you're designing a large closet, include an island in the center of the space that incorporates your drawers.

5. Use the corners for hanging space not shelves. Corner shelves are usually too deep and folded clothes get lost. However, corners work well for hanging clothes where occasional use items can be moved to the back.

6. Leave ample vertical space between shelves for folded clothes. The minimum height is 8 inches, the maximum is 18 inches and the optimum height 12 inches. Too little height creates deep dark spaces and too much height wastes space and stacked clothes fall over.

7. Use pre-assembled cabinets in your design when possible. Shelf widths and heights are designed to standard industry measurement. This removes some of the guess-work for first time designers. High quality pre-assembled cabinets can be found at Speedy Closets.

8. Plan sufficient space for your shoes. If you have an average number of shoes you may be able to place them under the hanging clothes sections. Otherwise, you should plan a full closet section for shoe storage.

9. Shoe shelves should be a minimum of 2 feet wide to accomodate two pairs sitting tandem. Wider shelves should increase by increments of 12 inches (or approximately one pair of shoes).

10. Make a space for your dirty laundry hamper. Keep in mind that you must tote that full hamper to your laundry room. Retractable hampers that slide on runners is an ideal system for most closets. A good place to see a variety of durable hamper kits online is at Hafele.

I hope these tips are helpful and good luck designing your custom closet.

Tag : closet,closet design,closet organizers

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Tuesday 4 August 2009

Do You Know What Closet Organizers Can Do For You?

Clutter around the house can be a bit of a nuisance and let's face it; most people just put it in the nearest drawer or cupboard that they can find. There could be a full drawer of old paper and magazines etc and now it is absolutely bulging. Also, when it comes to appliances they are just put away any old how and it can look extremely untidy. However, with a bit of organization, things could look so much better.

What Can a Closet Organizer be Used For?

Closetscan be a great way to store anything you like and when done properly; it can look tidy and organized. Also the great thing about having an organized closet is that things are easier to access and you will not have to spend ages searching through everything.

They can come in many different materials and all have a different purpose, so it really all comes down to personal preference and circumstances when it comes to buying one to suit your needs.

Do You Know How to Make the Most Out of Closet Organizers?

If you have a closet you may already have something that can help you to organize things, but you might not necessarily make the most out of it.

A closet organizer is basically something which can be used to obviously organize the closet. This could be a fitted shelf to store books, an iron or whatever it is that you want to store. It could be that you need to store coats and keep them organized so you might use a rod to attach from one side of the wall to the other. Or, if you have a lot of shoes, a shoe organizer may be just what you need.

With closet organizers they can really help to create more space in the closet and make it safer to use. With a lot of clutter, it can sometimes be dangerous, especially if it is stacked high and you need to get something from the bottom.

As you can see the benefits from closet organizers is evident and they can really make a difference. They come in all shapes and sizes and will cater for everyone's budgets so they are really worth getting to keep things better for you. Whether you choose to purchase something to help store your shoes, clothes or any other type of clutter, there will always be a closet organizer to help you.

Tag : closet,closet accessories,closet organizers,closet shelving

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Monday 27 July 2009

Make Space in your Coat Closet

Now that winter is approaching, it is a perfect time to organize your coat closet. You may just need light jackets now, but the time for big coats, hats, mittens and scarves can sneak up on you quickly. Be prepared by turning your winter necessity dumping ground into a warm welcome on the cold days that lie ahead.

First you will need to get some sturdy wooden hangers to hold those heavy coats and outerwear. If possible, store formal coats, such as long wool or fur coats in another closet. A spare or guest bedroom is a good option for getting the things that you don’t use very often out of the way. Hang your longest and/or bulkiest coats far back against a side wall of your coat closet. They’ll still be accessible, but back out of the way of useable open space. If they’re hanging near the center, they hang down in a space that you could be using for boots, umbrellas or other organization centers.

Install hooks on the walls of the closet to hang purses and bags that you use often. If you have children, you may find yourself needing a larger bag than normal. Once your little ones are bundled up with hats, gloves, mittens and scarves, you think you’re ready to go. Store extra empty tote bags on hooks or on a shelf at the top of the closet. Take an empty one with you to store all those little gloves and scarves that are so easy to lose once you’re in the store or where ever you’re going. You’ll be thankful not to have your purse crammed full when you get to the checkout.

When you’re not using all the little winter accessories, you’ll need somewhere convenient to store them while you are at home. Finding matching gloves and mittens can be time consuming if things aren’t where they are conveniently accessible. Sticking adhesive-backed Velcro strips along the bottom of the door can provide a fun place for little ones to stick their gloves and hats upon returning home. Fun options or special places down low will encourage small children to be organized and put their own things away. Another option is to hang a door organizer on the back of the coat closet door. Install the bar and you can arrange baskets easily to fit your needs. Little shallow baskets for kids’ gloves, a slightly deeper one for scarves and the deepest baskets hold hats. You can even designate different baskets for different family members so that you don’t have to dig through a pile of accessories to find what you’re looking for.

If you have sliding or accordion doors, you might consider a small drawer organizer that can be put on the floor of the closet. Ones designed for crafts are generally a good size for mittens, scarves and hats. A shoe organizer is a great idea for keeping pairs of shoes together for easy access. Once your coat closet is ready for winter, you can relax and wait for the cold knowing that you’ll be prepared and organized.

Tag : closet,coat closet,closet organization,closet storage

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Wednesday 22 July 2009

Organize Your Closet Before Going Shopping For The Best Results

People often go shopping not knowing exactly what they want. They browse the racks and shelves at their favorite stores and buy the first article of clothing that strikes them. They may go home and realize that they have an item nearly like the one they have bought. They may find that the item they have bought does not go with anything in their closet. If they had consulted their organized closet first, they would have known.

The first step to making a shopping trip productive is organizing your closet. You will not have to do this frequently as long as you come up with a good arrangement. As you are organizing, put all like items together. Black pants go with black pants, and formal dresses go with formal dresses. Be sure that you can see all your clothes and accessories easily.

Next, go through the organized closet and take out any items that are worn out. A frayed shirt or a pair of jeans with a hole in an embarrassing place could be taken out and put on your bed or a chair. Since your closet is now arranged neatly, it should be easy to weed these sad garments out from the good ones.

Now, look through the closet for clothing that has gone completely out of style. If it has been a long time since you have done this, you may have many clothing items to add to the stack. Anything that you would not want to be seen in goes. You can give them to charitable organizations, where they can be sold or used for their fabric.

When you have your pile of clothing that you will not ever wear again, start making a list. For every item, put down what the item is and with what you want to replace it. For your ripped jeans, you can put on your list the type of jeans you want to buy. If it is a dress that is too dated, jot down the kind of dress you would rather have.

At this point, you can go back to your closet and take another look. You may have one bar that has many items that are almost identical. You may have a dozen white shirts and no colorful ones. You could write this on your list as something you need to invest in. You may realize that you have no clothing that would be appropriate for a formal affair. This could go on your list, too.

Organize your list so that the things you need to get the soonest are on the top. You may be able to do your shopping all at once, but if you have a long list and limited time or funds to devote to it, you may have to make several trips.

When you shop according to your list, you will refill your closet with items that you needed all along. It is only because your closet was disorganized that you didn't know you needed them. Organizing your closet makes shopping productive and satisfying.

Tag : closet,closet organizers,closet design,closet shelving

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Sunday 19 July 2009

Closet Organizers Make the Most of Your Space

Most of us can use more closet space, and since it is usually not practical to take out the wall in your home, you should consider using closet organizers. Implementing a closet organizer will help give you the ability to utilize the space that you do have more effectively. These organizers can range from the simple setup to the type that is built into the closet. Either way will help you to properly organize the limited space in your closet.

One of the simplest ways to organize your closet is by getting accessories that will help you do just that. For example if you have lots of shoes you may consider either a shoe tree or perhaps a shoe cabinet. This gets your shoes off the floor and keeps pairs together so they can be easily located. If you have many ties you can also find tie hangers specially made to hold lots of ties and use the least amount of space necessary. However if you are still in need of space you may want to consider a full built-in unit.

When you are determining whether to purchase a built-in unit you may want to consider whether you want to do it yourself or if you are going to need to hire a professional. Doing it yourself can be rewarding and save you some money and with the economy in a current slowdown saving money is always a good idea if at all possible. You can buy all the necessary components at a local home improvement store and many of these stores also offer free assistance with laying out and designing the organizer.

This is an important part of preparing for a closet organizers. If a mistake is going to be made when you are doing this type of project it is going to be during the laying out of the organizer. This is because you can lay it out on paper and it may not actually work in practicality. This is especially when you are working with angles and corners. You need to allow for the corner and many homeowners over look this important aspect.

Once you have a good working plan, installing it is not that difficult. You will need a screw gun, a level, and a stud finder. When you are installing the most important thing is making sure that it is safely secured and the only way to do this is to make sure that you hit the studs in your home. This will help keep the unit secure, even when you begin adding the weight of your belongings. The other aspect that is very important is to make sure everything you install is level. This is especially true if you have drawers in the unit as they will not open or close properly if they are not level.

One of the most practical ways to increase the capacity of your closet is by adding an organizing system. There are many options from the simple set in place organizers to the more extensive closet organizers that are actually installed.

Tag : closet,closet ideas,closet organizers,closet accessories

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Wednesday 15 July 2009

Stuffed Closets

Closets get full so fast today making it hard to keep our clothes looking neat, clean and fresh. Even if you are good at hanging your clothes up when you take them off it doesn’t do a lot of good if you then stuff those pants into a closet where they can’t breathe and get wrinkled from the congestion.

Closets need to be cleaned out every season at least to allow enough room for proper care of the clothes you do wear. There are many benefits associated with having enough room for your clothes. You will save yourself a lot of time ironing. Pants or shirts stuffed into a closet get wrinkles. You find that shirt you want to wear but when you pull it out of the closet it is so wrinkled that it needs ironing. You don’t feel like ironing so you find a shirt that doesn’t need ironing. This shirt might not match the pants you planned on wearing so now you have to choose pants to match and hope they aren’t wrinkled. Meanwhile you have added time and work to getting dressed and if you go through this every day it really adds up. It makes much more sense to take the time to clean your closet of unused clothing.

Let’s face it most people have too many clothes today especially clothes they never wear that lurk around taking up valuable space. Closets get out of hand so quickly particularly during busy times. What can really get your closet in bad shape is putting clothes back in there after wearing that need some attention. They may have a spot that needs cleaning, a button that is loose or a loose hem.
It is eye opening to go through a stuffed closet and look at every piece of clothing and think about the last time you wore it. If you haven’t worn it for a long time determine why. The reasons can be many: it’s outdated, you don’t like the way it fits now but when you lose that 5 lbs. it will fit nice, it has a stain or you just never feel like wearing it. Decide what needs to go to free up space and either get rid of it or move it to another storage area so that the clothes you do wear have a better chance of looking nice and fresh.

Once you have cleared out your closet organize your clothing so that your shirts, pants, dresses are each in their own section. Make sure that you have the proper hanger for each garment as their shape can be ruined by using the wrong hanger.

Tag : closet,closets shelving,closet organizers,closet factory

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Monday 13 July 2009

The Various Ways A Closet Organizer Could Help You

When thinking of organizing your closet, there are various things which can help. Shelving makes an excellent addition as do rods and sliding doors. In fact, whilst you may not realize it, the closet door can have an effect on your home so you should always ensure that it matches everything perfectly.

Why the Closet Door Makes a Difference

If you are reorganizing your closet, what better way to start than to give it a whole new look? You can do this with a completely new door and that alone will really help to give the room a better look.

There are various different types of closet doors to choose from and each will add a different look to the room. Really you will need one which matches the theme of the room already, otherwise it will contrast and it may end up throwing everything off balance. Generally wooden doors are preferred as they give a homely look and they are not too expensive either.

As for the type of door which you get, that needs to be given serious thought. You can purchase sliding doors, doors which fold open and ordinary doors which open outwards. It all basically depends upon how much space you have within the room. If you have quite a large space then there will be no problem having an ordinary door. However, if you have a very small room, a sliding door may be better for you. It is all about choosing one which will save you the most amount of space. Fold away doors can also be extremely space efficient and that is also great for smaller rooms.

You can also do certain things which make a difference to the overall room. For example, you could place a mirror on the closet door which will help to give the room a larger appearance. You can even buy remote controlled closet doors and that will appeal to people who prefer a more modern theme. If however you want a more contemporary theme, thick, varnished pine closet doors would be better suited to you.

Overall the door does make a big difference when it comes to reorganizing the closet. It will help you to not only improve the look of a room but also to add extra space if needed. So, remember to choose the best closet door to suit your needs and do not buy the first thing that you see. Take proper measurements and shop around in order to get the perfect closet door for you.

Tag : closet,closet organizer,closet design,closet shelving

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Saturday 11 July 2009

5 Great Closet Cleaning Tips

Cleaning out your closets is always a difficult thing to do mainly because there are so many decisions to be made. To help you out, here are some great closet ideas that you may not have thought of or known about:

1) If you are like me, you probably have lots of clothes that have never been worn. If so, you can try to return them to the store where you bought them. The stores will sometimes give you cash but usually they will give you store credit. If you don't want the credit, you can turn around and sell that credit on Ebay. There is a high demand on Ebay for store credit receipts and they usually fetch upwards of 80% of face value. Of course this will only work if you have store credit from a national chain.

2) Many people also use Ebay to get rid of their unwanted clothes whether it is new or used. Children's clothes sell especially well as do sweaters, shirts, and blouses. If you hate the thought of organizing a garage sale, Ebay can be a great place to sell some of your nicer items and get some nice cash for them too.

3) Here is a very neat hangar trick - try putting all your hangars in backwards on the rod in your closets. When you wear an item, turn the hangar around. At the end of the year or season, you will easily be able to tell which clothes you haven't worn and may want to get rid of!

4) Do you need more space to store things? Did you know that you can put the clothes you won't need in large sturdy plastic bags and suck the air out of them? This also works great when packing for a long trip and you need more room. Give this a try and you will be amazed. Put all the clothes you don't need in a plastic bag and use your vacuum cleaner to suck all the air out. It will shrink the size of your clothes significantly freeing up lots of room.

5) If you want to plan a new closet design, figure out first what you plan to put in the closet. Only by knowing what types of clothes you want to put in the closet will you know what types of shelves, poles, and drawers you will nee. There are many closet ideas out there and you need to be organized and create an inventory list first.

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Wednesday 8 July 2009

Finding the Best Wire Closet Organizers

You won't regret getting wire closet organizers. They don't cost much and they also give your more creative ways to keep your closet in order. Moreover, wire racks and baskets can hold anything you can think of. If you have limited house space, you can use some of your closet racks to hold toiletries, towels, bags and many more. Here are some tips in finding the best wire organizer for your needs.

Shop Choices

Before you even pick a particular set of closet organizers, you usually pick a store first. Since you do want a wire organizer because of its versatility, you would want to make sure that your set of organizers fit your particular specifications and needs. You can settle for a store with a wide variety of wire organizer sizes and shapes. There are some online stores that also allow customization. You just have to submit your specifications and an online store can cut your organizers into the sizes that you need.

Space Needs

There are some wire organizers that are sold as sets. Depending on your choice, you could end up with a set with more racks and baskets or more rods. You should therefore first determine if you want more space for hanging or for keeping folded items. A better option would be to buy individual wire sections.

Material Strength

Another advantage of wire closet organizers is their durability. Different brands and types however have different levels of durability. The sturdiest kinds can be used for garage storage because they are made of thick wires. Some racks can have thinner wires but have more crossed sections to hold them up.

Organizer Parts

Wire organizer sets have different prices. Some cheaper sets might cost less because they do not have complete support accessories. In the long run though, you may be saving yourself a lot of trouble if you get a set that already has brackets and screws included.

Design Flexibility

The most common type of wire organizers are racks that you can screw on the wall. Some manufacturers however have come up with better models that you can adjust to provide different storage space sizes and storage types. If you can't seem to keep just one arrangement, you should try these flexible models.


The traditional wire organizers come in white coats. You can however also opt to go for a chrome finish. This will lend more elegance and sophistication to your closet.

Special Sets

There are some wire organizers that are specially made for particular closet types and brands. If your closet does not match the special wire organizer set, it would be better to look for a universal wire rack set.

Wire closet organizers are a great bargain for your money. If you choose the right set, you'll never have to worry about your closet getting constantly cluttered.

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Friday 3 July 2009

How To Pick Out The Perfect Closet Organizers For You

If you have a lot of clutter around the home, you may automatically just throw things in the closet or in drawers around the home. However, things could be so much easier if you purchase a closet organizer or two instead.

Closet organizers are designed to help you remove the clutter and live a more organized and tidy life. They are available pre made or you can create them yourself, the choice is entirely yours. However, it is essential that you know which closet organizers you will need as otherwise purchasing the wrong ones would just waste money and not benefit you in any way.

Choosing the Right Closet Organizer for You

In order to pick the right closet organizer for you, you need to first understand what it is that you need the organizer for. For example, do you have books, clothing, magazines, old ornaments or even DIY equipment just lying around? Is most of the clutter big or small? Knowing what clutter you have will really help you to determine what sized closet organizer you will need.

Now generally the bigger the closet organizer the better as you will be able to store more things in them. If you have a lot of clothes lying around then the best closet organizer for you would be a rod. A rod can attach from one side of the wall to the other and it can be used to hang old clothes and jackets on it. Shelving would also do an adequate job for clothing but if you have quite a lot of clothes it would take up a lot of space and you wouldn't be able to store anything else there. So, a rod is generally better for clothing.

Shelving can be used for practically everything else. You can use shelving to store ornaments, books, DIY equipment and any other equipment which you may have lying around. You can even hang a few nails in the walls of the closet to hang things such as a drill for example. Just use your imagination as to how you could best save space and that will help to find a closet organizer to suit you and your space needs.

Measurements are extremely important when it comes to purchasing closet organizers and it is essential that you take and write down the measurements that you need. It is not such a problem if you buy a shelf which is too big, but if you buy one which is too small there is nothing which you can do to rectify the situation. With longer shelves you can cut them yourself to a size which better suits you. However with shorter shelves you cannot exactly glue on an extra few inches if needed! So, keep that in mind and take the measurements carefully to ensure that you purchase the right sizes for you.

Overall closet organizers come in really handy just as long as you choose the right ones to suit you. Choosing the wrong ones would be a complete waste of time and money so be careful and always shop around before you make a decision.

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Wednesday 1 July 2009

Rubbermaid Closet Organizer - Your Secret Weapon To Being Organized?

Rubbermaid closet organizer - is it your best choice to get your home organized?

The Rubbermaid company is generally well-known for its food storage products. Well, wait till you check out their closet organizers... They are just as good, if not better!

Rubbermaid has different closet organizers, and one of their most impressive and flexible closet organizer range is the Configurations range. It is so flexible that it allows you to mix and match different parts of the organizers. You can almost store anything with it - be it your shoes, clothing, ties, jewellery and much more!

Installing it is very easy and it can easily fit closets from 4 to 8 feet. There is nothing to measure, no cutting, no trimming, and "almost automatic"! These inconveniences are overcome by the systems' rails, shelves and rods which are designed for a dummy proof installation. If you need any tools (be it pliers, screw drivers, and so on), you will probably be able to find them in your shed.

Having many flexible accessories, the Rubbermaid closet organizer also allows for easy expansion so that as you "grow" your things, you can "expand" to store them. Add-ons include telescoping rods, extra closet shelving, a shoe storage rack, wire baskets, and tie and belt organizers. You can buy them piecemeal as and when you require them. It is indeed flexible and convenient!

You can easily find the Rubbermaid closet organizer in Home Depot and other home improvement stores. Walmart and other DIY stores are yet other places to find them.

Maintenance of a Rubbermaid closet organizer is really easy. Simply use a damp cloth to wipe off any dust or dirt. If you don't dirty the closet organizer, you probably don't even have to clean it!

If you are getting your home organized, consider a Rubbermaid closet organizer - it may just be the solution you need!

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Saturday 27 June 2009

Closet Organizing -- Out With The Old Season, In With The New

No matter where you live in the world, you probably deal with the change of seasons. A few souls can get away with wearing the same clothing year-round, but not many.

Closet organizing can be challenging if you are wearing shorts and tank-tops one season and need jeans and jackets for the next. However, with some basic planning, you won't dread rearranging your closet when the weather turns colder or hotter. Just remember these simple ideas.

1. Organize your closet based on the coldest time of year where you live.

That's because these seasonal clothes will be the bulkiest and take up the most room. If you have room for your sweaters, coats, and boots, you won't have any trouble organizing your shorts and bikinis.

2. Archive out-of-season clothing.

Don't try to keep an entire year's worth of clothing in your closet all the time. That's a recipe for frustration and you'll end up not liking (or wanting to wear) any of your clothes. Invest in a few sturdy storage containers and keep your off-season clothing safely packed away. Be sure and put only clean, dry clothes in your containers and take the necessary precautions for pests or humidity based upon where you live. Different types of fabric need to be stored differently (many fabrics need to breathe). Remember, your clothing is an investment in yourself. Do an online search for "clothing storage tips" to find the correct storage information for your needs.

3. Have a place for everything.

This is a standard organizing concept, but it's even more important when it comes to closet organizing. Why? Because handy shelves for stacking sweaters in the cold season means you'll have plenty of shelf space for your extra hot-weather sandals, as well. The point here is that you'll be able to easily swoop one season's clothing off your shelves or hangars in minutes. As you put the current season's clothing away in its place, take the time to check for fit and any little problems that may need fixing, like missing buttons, for example.

4. Seasonal closet organizing means better shopping!

Let's face it: if you don't know what's in your closet you don't know what you REALLY need when you go shopping. Keep some tried-and-true basics in each season's clothing arsenal and you can make a list of what you need to add to those basics as you unpack your clothing 'archive' at the beginning of each new season.

By starting with what you know already works for you and adding the latest accessories plus a few new pieces to the mix, you'll end up with a wardrobe you're much happier with and probably for less money.

5. Keep a list.

In fact, to make it super-easy on yourself, hang a pad and pen inside your closet and compile your clothing shopping list all year round. Don't have the right belt for that great pair of jeans? Write it on your list. Need a new red blouse that goes with two pairs of pants, a skirt and your favorite wool blazer? Write it on your list.

Include notes that will help you get exactly what you want when you're shopping. This will also enable you to take advantage of off-season sales and save even more money.

6. Do the same for other family members.

If you have kids, you know how disorganized their closets can become. A seasonal clothes change can seem overwhelming.

Hold on! Put these same ideas to work in your children's closets and add one more step. Check for size changes when you pull out the new season and put away the last one. Separate all clothes that are outgrown into a box for a local charity and toss out clothes that are simply past their prime. You'll be able to see at a glance if little Johnny or Suzi is going to need a serious clothes shop next time the temperature changes. Add that fact to your closet shopping list and watch for those off-season sales!

Seasonal closet organizing doesn't have to be a drain on either your wallet or your time. Use the basics you already know about closet organizing to keep your seasonal wardrobes at their peak and looking fantastic on you!

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Friday 26 June 2009

Creating More Space With Closet Organizers

Closet organizers are a great way to create more space in your closet. Many homeowners look into their overstuffed closets and wonder what they can do to contain and organize all the stuff that needs to be there. If you are like many homeowners you will decide that purchasing a closet organizer is the most practical way to get a handle on it, this way you don't need to knock out any walls in your home to expand the closet.

One of the first steps that you need to do when you are getting ready to get into this project is to decide if you are going to be able to accomplish this project on your own or do you need to hire a professional to do the job? Doing it yourself will definitely save you money if you feel like you can take the project from beginning to end. Otherwise you may be better off by hiring someone that specializes in closet organization and letting them do the job for you. Either way that you decide to go there are some things that you will need to keep in mind.

Tackling the Job Yourself

If you have decide to go ahead and do it yourself the most important thing to do is make sure that you lay it out properly. This means making sure that you incorporate all the necessary storage items you need and making sure that the system you are purchasing will actually fit in your closet.

When you begin to lay out your organizer make sure that you get everything in the closet that you need. For example if you have lots of shoes make sure that you leave plenty of storage area to accommodate them. This way your closet will not looked overstuffed even after you install the organizer.

When you do your measuring make sure that you leave extra room so that the organizer will actually fit. Many times a homeowner measures right down to the 16th of an inch and forgets to leave some "play" in the measurement. The reason for this is because walls are never perfectly square. They always run out a bit and if you did not leave room for it you will not get your closet organizer to fit properly.

Hiring a Professional

When hiring a professional it is important to make sure that they actually listen to what you need. Many times a professional will try to "up-sell" you and then you end up with the project costing more then what you anticipated. For example an electric tie racks sounds great but they cost a lot more than just a standard tire rack and they each do the same thing.

Make sure that any professional you let in your home is licensed and insured. This is important as often times "fly-by-night" business spring up and they may look professional but you will later find out that the job will be done by not correctly or you will find that your deposit is long gone.

Whether you do it yourself or you hire a professional make sure that you have carefully laid out your plan. With closet organizers preparation is the key to success.

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Tuesday 23 June 2009

Organizing Your Child's Closet

Organizing the stuff you have at home is a great idea. It helps you to easily locate things that you need everyday. More so, being organized gives a fresher and cooler look to the place.

Children find it more difficult to be organized than adults. They need strict supervision from their parents in order for them to learn the proper organizing system that they will need for themselves.

A parent may begin by teaching his child how to organize the inside of his room. Given a very small space, a child may do it in a manner that he is comfortable with it. One part of the child's room that can be easily disorganized is the closet. In many instances, the designs of the closet is what makes it worse. To help your child organize his closet you have to initiate organizing it first by yourself and then let him follow you. It is proper to teach your child some organizing systems while he is still young.

Check out the following tips on how to organize your child's closet:

• The usual closet bar may be too high for your child. If the closet bar is unreachable by your child, he will be forced to put his clothes anywhere in the closet. You can solve this problem by adding an extra closet bar within your child's reach. By doing so, you are helping your child do the organizing by themselves.

• Using a closet organizer is a good idea. You may find so many designs in your favorite home accessories' store.

• Buy and install shoe racks, hanging cubes or other organizing systems that you may need for your child's room. By doing so, you are helping your child put things in their proper places.

• Check your child's closet for the clothes he no longer wears. If you find one, put it out and throw it away or better yet donate it to a charity institution. Clothes that are no longer used will just consume the space that can be used instead for other items.

• If there are still spaces in your child's closet, you may add extra cubes that can be used for storing. Arrange add on shelves horizontally. The shelves that are located on the higher part can be used in storing clothes that are seldom used or the clothes used for a particular season.

Do the organizing first. You may do it with your child around so that he may know the things that you do. Later on, the child will adapt the closet organizing system that you applied for his closet.

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The Fun With Closet Organizers

More often than not, you might be resigned with chaos as a part of your everyday life. You wake up in the morning and dig through the drawers for your undies, sift through your jumbled clothing for a pair of pants and turn your closet upside down looking for a shirt or a blouse to wear with the pants. Your cluttered closet might not really be intentional and you might say that you try to keep it as neat as possible but chances are, with your busy lifestyle, you just cannot get it organized.

Fret no more, for closet organizers are now available to do the work for you! Now you can have the organized and easy lifestyle you deserve. No more clutters for you! Closet organizers are a system of hooks and shelves, storage bins, boxes and shoe racks that help you organize your clothes and keep them in a neat and orderly fashion. This storage system does not only keep your clothes organized and make their retrieval easier and faster, they also maximize the space in your closets.

Closet organizers are available in fully assembled pieces that you can purchase in any home improvement stores. These pre-assembled pieces come in different materials like wood or coated wires. The price depends on the nature of the material and you can easily choose one that is not only functional, it is also easy on your budget. Some home improvement stores deliver your closet organizers to your home and set them up for you. Nowadays, closet organizers are not just for your closets, you can also purchase one for your kitchen pantries.

You can also opt to purchase a closet organizer kit in which you do the setting up yourself. Before you set one up however, you have to make sure that there is adequate lighting in your space to ensure easy organization. A kit comes with some rods and hangers to hang your clothes with, some additional shelves for your folded clothes, some storage bins as additional drawers and others also provide shoe racks to keep your shoes in place.

A closet organizer helps you keep your life free of clutter, madness, headache and stress. It helps you save much of your valuable time and also maximizes your closet and storage space. Isn't it wonderful to wake up in the morning and be greeted by a clutter-free and organized closet?.

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Friday 19 June 2009

Closet Organizers Can Help To Save You Time And Money

People accumulate a lot of junk around the house and the problem they often face is that they never have anywhere to store it. It may be that a letter or newspaper that has just been posted through the door and instead of throwing it away, people tend to put it in the nearest drawer to them. This happens with absolutely everything from left over cards to old appliances and it does sometimes get a little out of control.

Adequate storage can be the answer for every household. The great thing is that storage can be used to keep things more organized such as clothes, ironing boards, and absolutely anything else which you have lying around. It gets rid of clutter and it gives your home a sense of balance and calm again. So if you haven't already, why not think about getting a closet organizer?

Using Closet Organizers and How They Help

A great place for storage is the closet as it can be quite spacious and if organized, it can be tidy too. This is a good idea if you need to use things from the closet all of the time. In order to actually keep the closet tidy, it is a great idea to have closet organizers so that you can easily access things without everything getting in the way.

Closet organizers come in a variety of different shapes and sizes and they could even be small shelves which attach onto the wall in the closet to store little things. In fact, shelving is probably one of the most common types of closet organizers but there are other things you can get too to help you out.

Could You Benefit From Using Closet Organizers?

You could benefit from a closet organizer if you have books, magazines or even bedding and towels that are constantly all over the place. Also, if you decide to use rods in the closet, they could be used to hang some old clothes and jackets on which will get them out of your wardrobe, clearing new space for new clothes. Practically everybody could do with a closet organizer of some sort!

The items which you use as a closet organizer can come in a different range of sizes so it is always best to get the correct measurements beforehand. If you buy a shelf and it is too big, you can always cut it down to size but if you buy one too small then it will have been a complete waste of money.

So as you can see, closet organizers can really help you to keep everything organized and tidy. They are not overly expensive and they can make everything easy to find as well as keeping things in good condition. It does make sense to purchase one if you do have a lot of clutter lying around the house, and it will also allow you to save more things as it will be extremely space efficient.

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Tuesday 16 June 2009

How Closet Organizers Could Help You

If you do not have much space within your home, you may find that things just tend to be cluttered everywhere. With all of your storage full, where one earth are you expected to put all of your extra things that you have lying around? Well there are two ways in which you can help in this situation and those are sliding doors and closet organizers.

Why a Sliding Door Could Help You

If you do not have much space you may need to think about having a sliding closet door. That way, when you open it up, you simply have to slide it to one side instead of attempting to open it out wide. If you do not have much space then trying to open a door out wide could cause the door to bang into things and you may have to squeeze your way into the closet. F on the other hand you have a sliding door, you can simply slide it across and easily gain access to the closet. It is simple yet really effective and it will help to save you space in the long run.

You can get a variety of sliding doors and really it all depends upon your personal taste and the way that your home is decorated as to which style you do eventually choose. You can even put a mirror or a picture on the front of the door in order to make it look more homely. As for the style, they do come in various wooden styles and that can really help to add a touch of warmth to the home. This means that your closet does not have to look dull and uninviting. In fact, used with various closet organizers, a sliding door can really enhance the look of the closet and make you a little proud of the space which you have saved.

If you are worried about sliding closet doors not being strong enough or quiet enough, you can actually purchase ones which have silent rails. Also, it all depends on the quality as to how strong the doors are. Try and shop around and get a door from a brand which you can trust. Perhaps ask the store sales people if you do not particularly know which brands are good and which ones aren't.

Overall, if used with closet organizers such as shelves and rods, you are preparing your closet to be as organized and as space efficient as possible. Just think - no more old clothes lying around - you could simply hang them from a rod within the closet. That leaves space within your wardrobe for new clothes and the old ones are safely hidden away until you decide what to do with them. Also, any books, old ornaments and other bits and pieces can safely go on shelves within the closet. So, using a sliding closet door as well as various closet organizers is definitely a good idea if you want your home to remain clutter free.

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Sunday 14 June 2009

A Closet Organizing System - The Secrets To Getting Your Clothes Off Your Floor

You've shelled out cold hard cash and have a beautiful new closet organizing system at your fingertips.

Your newly organized closet is truly impressive; at-a-glance you can see EXACTLY what you have and where it is. No more morning frustrations. No more lost minutes digging for the perfect belt. No more wondering if that particular blouse is laundered and ready to wear.

Of course, there is a catch to all this organizing bliss. You have to MAINTAIN your new closet system.

If that thought is lurking in the back of your mind (or worse yet, if you've put off cleaning out your closets because you KNOW you cannot keep them organized anyway), take heart. Here are 3 simple steps to keep the 'organized' in your newly organized closet system.

1. Don't add more to-do.

Most people panic when they think about adding another routine to their already busy days. Then don't! You're already doing SOMETHING with your clothes when you take them off each day, right? Simply exchange a 'disorganized' habit for an 'organized' habit.

For example.

If every evening you drop your clothes on your bedroom floor, STOP and THINK about what you want to happen.

-- Clothes in their appropriate the laundry basket or put away in the closet.

Let's face facts. You're going to have to do this step eventually, right? So do it as the clothes come off your body. The truth is, if you're dropping your clothes on the floor or even draping them on the back of a chair, you're forcing yourself to take care of your clothes twice. Once on the floor and then again to put them away or even to simply drop them in the laundry basket.

Now, why are you doing that to yourself?

2. Oops! There's a problem!

Often maintaining a closet organizing system breaks down when a problem comes up with the item that needs to be put away.

-- A button is loose.

-- A pair of shoes is dirty.

-- A jacket has a stain.

This type of situation requires an extra step in the organizing process and faced with an extra step, most of us simply take the easy way out. Which means the offensive clothing article languishes at the bottom of a pile somewhere until we desperately need it again.

The same idea applies for this situation as in #1. Why do things twice?

-- Clothes need mending? Keep a basket handy where you can toss it until repair time.

-- Dirty shoes? Put on your favorite cushy slippers and go take care of this one right now.

-- Got a stain? Keep a laundry stain remover right in your closet. Put it on that stain the minute it comes off your body. Toss in the laundry basket.

(Warning: make sure you educate yourself a bit about the care of your clothing. Only use a laundry stain remover on fabric that's designed to be washed and test those fabrics first. If you have 'dry clean only' clothing, designate a separate place in your closet to put those clothes until you can take them to the cleaners. If you have a stain on a dry clean fabric, you might consider marking it with a small safety pin so you can remember to point it out to the cleaners.)

Tip: put a recurring item on your calendar once or twice a month (or however often works for you) to take 1 or 2 hours and fix your clothing problems, i.e. sew on buttons, fix hems, iron something, etc. Give yourself a little treat for doing so and you'll actually get the job done.

3. Take note of what works (and what doesn't).

Honestly, no one will continue to use a closet organizing system that doesn't work. Test out your new closet system by using it faithfully for a couple of weeks. If something doesn't flow well for you (for example, if you hate having to move your socks to get to your pantyhose), then step back and take a look at how you can rearrange and make things better.

In general, items that are used daily need to be out front and visible, but items that are used less often can be put in the corners or even behind something else. Keep tweaking your closet organizing system until it serves YOU, not the other way around.

When you truly have your closet system the way you want it, it will be a joy to use. It will genuinely be EASIER to hang up an article of clothing than to drop it on the floor.

That's when you know you are actually organized. Yes, you! Organized!

That feels SO good!

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Friday 12 June 2009

How to Build Your Own Custom Closet

After losing weight, the second most popular New Year's resolution is to get organized. Just like you shouldn't wait until after the holidays to hit the gym, you don't need to wait until New Years to get your life in order.

Closets and storage areas tend to accumulate the most clutter, and without the right set-up, they can be quite difficult to organize. However, with a little help, transforming a black hole of lost shoes and cluttered coats, into meticulously organized storage space is much easier then you would have ever imagined. Build It Yourself Closets, an online retailer of home storage solutions, provides all of the required materials to create a quality custom closet in one affordable package. Each closet system arrives with all the necessary solid metal hardware, hanging rods, and ventilated wood shelving. Build It Yourself Closets are made of 100% solid red pine wood, and are available in a dark and light stain so you can match your closet with your furniture.

The custom closets offered by Build It Yourself Closets can be configured to fit a closet of any size in any room. Closets are designed to be easily installed by anyone, no matter what their skill level. The only tools needed to build a perfect closet are a pencil, level, screwdriver, and saw. Before you purchase a system, take an inventory of your stuff, that way you will have much easier time picking a system that meets your needs. Standard closet organizers start at $339, and can be easily customized with accessories, drawers, and shelves and shipping is always free. Getting similar systems professionally installed can easily cost thousands of dollars.

Build It Yourself Closets offers online videos, diagrams, and tutorials to make the installation process clear and simple. Customer Service is also available to answer any questions within a 24-hour response time.

Do yourself a favor and get your life in order with Build It Yourself Closets! It's so easy, anyone can do it. Simplify your life by visiting

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Sunday 7 June 2009

Configure Your Closet With An Organizing Kit

You are can configure your closet in any what you are only limited by your imagination and the money you would like to spend. The closet organizers of today are available in department stores and come in many different styles. Families late, children missing busses, parents stressed—all due to a serious lack of organization. Installing the closet organizers is quite a straight forward process. Install closet organizers to get things in your closets sorted out so that storing and retrieving would be less like a trip to the mines.

The pre-made closet organizers are available on the internet and in many discount stores. Huge empty space will be optimized by adding some shelving units while special hangers will organize small wearable clothing such as neckties and scarves into a single, manageable multi-hanger. If you closets are unorganized and there is no place to put away the clothing neatly the best solution is a closet organizers. If the mess in your closet is getting you down and you're tired of being unable to find what you want to wear, then how about you get organized. Closet organizers can be a valuable space saving technique in your home.

Many of the closet systems are meant to be functional but the newer designs are aesthetically pleasing to the eye. The way closet systems are designed today, it's very easy to do it yourself if you have the time and want to save a little. If a closet wardrobe system sounds like something worth pursuing, you'll find there are a host of options available. These systems can be found in modular, pre-made designs that can be purchased to fit most standard closet sizes. When installing the organizer the shelves need to be properly anchored and the draws need to be fastened to no when gets hurt by the organizer falling on them.

Most kits are adjustable, so there is usually no cutting involved. Many of the kits that are out on the market will need some sort of tools to put them together and most of them requiring drilling. Kid closet organizers can be purchased as closet organizer kits or systems. In many home improvement stores there are kits that are easy to install yourself, they are easy to put together and there is no cutting involved. Closet organizers made of wood are also available as kits. These kits must be assembled, but instructions are generally detailed and easy to follow.

Keep longer garments to the back or sides of the closet, leaving room on the floor for shoes or other items. The disadvantage of having shoes scattered all over the floor is that the space can look very cluttered, and one pair can't be separated from another. Customizing a closet can be done quite easily and with a very manageable budget. Your storage area can be increased by placing organizers to strategic places.

Huge empty space will be optimized by adding some shelving units while special hangers will organize small wearable clothing such as neckties and scarves into a single, manageable multi-hanger. Use your closet doors to create more space by adding over-the-door racks. You can use this space for hooks, hats or shoe storage.

David Marc Fishman is the owner of crafts. Tipsquad is a new advice website. It gives tips by showing by video. Another video site is the new

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Saturday 6 June 2009

Closet Efficiency at Home

When it comes to having closets in a home, it is not necessarily the amount of closets you have but the amount of efficiency you get out of the closets you own. With a good storage strategy, whatever space you have is maximized and all your items are easily accessible. Closet organizers are the perfect accessories to have to turn any bland closet into an efficient storage space.

If you want your closet to be organized quickly, then purchasing an off the shelf closet organizing system is the way to go. There are many accessories available ranging from simple units such as wire baskets and plastic containers to some advanced designs such as a sliding shelf unit or a hideaway vanity. The simpler closet organizer units are easy to install because little or no DIY work is required. The more advanced units will require you to work a bit but these units have been designed with the users in mind so most of the work that needs to be done in installing them are not too difficult. If DIY is not up your alley, then most of the stores selling closet organizer systems do offer installation service.

Remember to consider just what it is that you want to store in a particular closet before running out to purchase closet organizer accessories. Take into account the hanging lengths of your clothes to see if you can implement a multi-level clothes hanger. If there are long clothes involved, maybe a shorter length lower hanger is needed to make room for the clothes hanging from the top. Calculate how many feet of hanging rods or shelving units you will need. Take note that drawers can be costly so you need to decide if an open shelf is acceptable or if a drawer is really needed.

Other than purchasing closet accessories that maximize storage space, you might also want to have a look at closet accessories that add functionality your closet. There are hideaway units such as mirrors which you can pull out of the side of the closet wall. You can install tiny little damper plugs that will avoid the closet doors from slamming when you swing them close. With the modern closet organizing systems available, upgrading your closet can truly be an interesting experience.

Want to learn more about Closet Organization?, feel free to visit us at:

Wednesday 3 June 2009

The Shoes Closet

Shoes cabinet or shoes closet are specialized closets meant to store shoes. They can provide an elegant solution to storing footwear in a home by hiding away the shoes from view and also serving as decoration. Shoes closets are normally located near the main door of a house as it is regarded to be the most logical place for shoes to be. You can also build shoes closet as part of your closet organizer system or walk-in closet. If you own many pairs of shoes, then a walk-in shoes closet could be an option.

A shoes closet can be as simple as a few racks to put shoes on. This solution is practical if you set it inside a coat closet that can normally be found as part of the house. If you have a lot of shoes or if many people live under one roof, then a shoes rack might run out of space quite quickly. You could get a taller shoe rack but this will eat into the space meant for hanging coats if you put the shoes rack in the coat closet. A better option is to get a shoes closet.

There are many types of shoes closet available to cater for different needs. You can get a shoes closet that works just like an ordinary closet with multiple shelves creating multiple storage space for shoes. Closets can be as wide as you want it to be but they are usually an inch or two longer than a shoe in terms of closet depth. This could pose a problem if you have little space to spare or if you have big feet. To address this problem, shoes closet designers have come up with the drop down door solution. With this shoe closet solution, the depth of the closet can be reduced as the shoes are arranged at an angle. This arrangement also grants more space for bigger shoes because it provides more depth due to the angle.

If a corner of the house is all that you can spare for storing shoes, then maybe a rotating shoes closet might provide you the solution that you are looking for. This closet type is normally custom built to fit in snugly with the corner space.