Monday 25 May 2009

Closet Control

The amount of stress that comes from disorganization is much larger than most people will admit. Not only floors and counter space need to have some order, but places like the closet can greatly affect your overall mood for the day, as it is often one of the first things you see when preparing for your day. Closet Control might help give a person just the right amount of control and confidence to make a difference in their attitude toward the coming day.

The most important first step to an organized and visually appealing closet is considering the contents of your closet. If you are like most people, your closet is stuffed full of close that don’t fit or haven’t been worn in years. The best thing to do in this situation is to seriously sort out the clothes that you actually wear from those you do not. Everything you do not wear can go to Goodwill or various other charities. Many people have trouble getting rid any clothes, so for those things that you do not wear but you seriously think you might wear some day, pack those away somewhere else besides your closet. They do not need to clutter up your daily life, but if you really cannot part with them they can be stored in a box or somewhere else. Do not put anything on clothes hangers that you do not currently use, and separate what is left into those clothes that need to be cleaned, dry cleaned, or mended. Having a regular place to put these pieces of clothing will help tremendously in keeping your closet clean after you have reorganized it. This part of cleaning your closet should be repeated every few months, and if you do so, the amount of work will be minimal. It becomes difficult to tackle the closet once it has grown into a large problem.

Now that you have only the clothes you actually wear on clothes hangers, it is time to further sort them into categories. First, consider the seasons that these articles fall under. If your closet is still over stuffed, move the winter apparel into another closet or storage space during the summer or vice versa. Then separate by types of clothes. Formal wear, work attire, and casual outfits can be put together to help you find what you need more quickly. If you do not really have these kinds of divisions, then put them in groups according to their purpose. Jackets can be together or blouses can form a group. You get the idea. It is not enough just to make these categories without labeling them. This sounds silly, but making labels to go on the hanging rod between clothes hangers is important so that you continue to categorize as you add new clothes or replace clothes after washing. The last organization strategy is to keep like colors together. This will feel better to your eyes as you are starting to pick out an outfit, but it will also make the process much quicker. You will know where to find particular items quickly as you think things like, “I could where that one blue shirt I have with my new slacks.” You will immediately know where to look for that blue shirt. No digging or messing with a tangled mess of clothes.

Try using a little closet control and see how it affects your daily routine and attitude. It is guaranteed to make life a little simpler and wearing clothes a little more enjoyable.

About the Author: Ron Maier is the owner of OnlyHangers, a leading provider of clothing hangersdecorative clothes hangers. For more information, please visit and

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