Sunday 10 May 2009

Feng Shui My Closet!

Feng Shui teaches that you are consciously and subconsciously affected by your surroundings. Harmony in your home is the best place to start. When your home life comes into focus and it is synonymous with who you are and who you hope to become, your life will naturally follow the path that you’ve chosen for it. Many of us need some serious help with our closets. Clutter, disorganization and endless varieties of hangers can be very detrimental to the view that you have of yourself, your life and where you are headed. Consider the fact that your closet is one of the first places that you visit every day. All of the negative energy that you collect can affect your mood for the rest of the day! Feng Shui principles say that having a cluttered closet symbolizes that you are resistant to change and you are blocking out possibilities of new relationships. It may look like a huge undertaking, but really it’s very simple to Feng Shui your closet.

My first piece of advice is to buy uniform, high quality, sturdy, wooden hangers. They absolutely must be matching to keep your mind free from clouds of disarray. Hangers are eye level when you open your closet, so they are your number one task. Throw away every old hanger that you have, go online and order the best hangers available from a supplier such as Beautiful, sturdy hangers are a must for keeping clothes separated by equal increments in your closet. There must be equal space between each article of clothing, so selecting the right hanger can make or break the overall appearance of your closet.

Next, you need to get rid of as much as possible. Keep twenty to fifty percent of all storage places empty to invite change into your life. Full spaces block the flow of chi into your life, and you don’t want to sacrifice any energy that you may need to start your day. Creating space in your closet will immediately lift your spirits and brighten your mood. Line up your clothes according to length, color or usage and decide what works best for your chi. If you really want to strictly stick to Feng Shui guidelines, follow the rules of bagua.

Place items related to knowledge and family on the left. This would include things like jewelry and clothes with sentimental value. Not your entire wardrobe from the eighties, but one or two items such as a dress that your mother made for you when you were little.

Items that remind you of your personal fame, reputation or career should go in the center. Think active as well. Work clothes, active wear, formal gowns and interview clothes all go in the center.

Creativity is always on the right. Put clothes that just ooze your personality and really define your style on the right side of the closet.

Don’t store anything overhead, it produces an oppressive energy that will weigh you down in every aspect of your life. Evenly space your clothing and make sure that nothing is stored beneath them that might touch them. The goal is to create space around each thing in your closet. Get rid of old worn out shoes or those that just hurt. Line them up neatly facing the same direction. Imagine the direction that you would like for your life to go every time you select a pair to wear.

Finally, make sure that everything is highly visible. Install extra lighting to brighten your mood each and every time you look in your closet. Feng Shui always dictates that doors should be highly functional and take very little effort to open and close. Now that your closet is completely decluttered and organized, you can let the chi flow.

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